Best-in-class ad-filtering tech
Our filter lists power ad filtering for 400M users with zero breakages across millions of websites. Daily monitoring by our dedicated team ensures your users have a seamless experience.
eyeo Ad-Filtering Solutions offer tech partners better quality ad filtering to provide a seamless user experience and open new revenue opportunities.
Our filter lists power ad filtering for 400M users with zero breakages across millions of websites. Daily monitoring by our dedicated team ensures your users have a seamless experience.
No more trade-off between delightful user experience (quality of ad-filtering) and revenue.
Use the time and money saved on implementation and maintenance to innovate your next big thing.
Unlike ad blocking, ad filtering opens up monetization opportunities from the existing stream of users.
This solution includes source code for every module. It comes with a base module that has the core ad-filtering engine, pre-bundled filter lists as well as user-counting logic. You can choose between other modules of desktop UI module, Android UI module and WebExtension Ad-Filtering Solution.
We support Desktop browser extensions and Chromium browsers (both on desktop and Android). If you have a different platform that is not listed, please contact us.